About Course

Mobile devices today are used for many purposes: education, business, games. A large number of gadgets have the Android OS, which means Android application developers will be overflowing with interesting, creative, and high-paying jobs.


Mobile devices today are used for many purposes: education, business, games. A large number of gadgets have the Android OS, which means Android application developers will be overflowing with interesting, creative, and high-paying jobs.

If you want to join their ranks, our training program will help you succeed in your endeavors and give you all the necessary foundation for a successful start.

Who is the right fit for this specialty


Android Developer specialty is suitable for beginners
Those who have never coded and still want to discover the world of Android development. We will help you to make the first steps and lead you to success.

For beginners

Specialty Android Developer is suitable for beginners
Those who already have a certain set of knowledge and skills, and at the same time want to systematize them, as well as to deepen.


The Android Developer qualification is for professionals
Those who are already working developers and want to learn new technologies, or change careers.

Your skills after training

Developing Android mobile apps using Java and XML markup language
Shaping UI layouts of Android applications and their direct implementation
Applying REST and SOLID principles when creating mobile apps
Implementation of Android apps using MVP and MVVM architecture templates
Parsing XML & JSON in apps, working with the database of mobile devices using DBMS SQLite
Unit Testing for Android Applications
Dependencies implementation using tools like Dagger 2, Kodein-DI and Koin
Using Kotlin in Android software development and being able to rewrite mobile apps from Java to Kotlin
Using various Google and Firebase services in projects – such as Google Maps, etc.
Using DataBinding library for linking application logic and its presentation, performing a proper layout of the screen for the data structure when using DataBinding

What you'll learn

  • - Creating the mobile user interface; - Developing the business logic of the mobile application; - Testing and debugging the mobile application; - Uploading the created program to the store (Google Play).

Course Content

40 hours

How to become an Android developer

Spotify in C# for Android

The Xamarin.Android platform. Mobile App Development using C#

Android OS. Introduction to mobile app development.

Creating Lines Game in C# and Unity for Android

Creating APIs in PHP and JavaScript to translate the Lines game in a browser

Basics of Kotlin in Android

Basics of Realm in Android

The pitfalls of developing mobile games for Android and iOS

Writing Android apps on Kotlin